Analýza sériových sběrnic - vojenské aplikace a letectví
DSOX3AERO pro analýzu sběrnic Mil-STD 1553 a ARINC 429 |
The Mil-STD 1553 serial bus is primarily used to interconnect avionics equipment in military aircraft. This bus is based on tri-level signaling (high, low, & idle) and requires dual-threshold triggering, which the 3000A/ T X-Series oscilloscopes support. This bus is also implemented as a redundant multi-lane bus (dual-bus analysis), which is also supported by the 3000X. The ARINC 429 serial bus is used to interconnect avionics equipment in civilian aircraft (Boeing & Airbus). This bus is also based on tri-level signaling (high, low, & null) and requires dual-threshold triggering, which the 3000X support. Since ARINC 429 is a point-to-point bus, multi-lane analysis is also required to capture both send and receive data. The DSO3XAERO option provides decoding and triggering on both of these buses. This option supports the same serial bus features available on other 3000X supported serial standards including Lister display format, Search & Navigation, and dual-bus analysis. |
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