Analýza sériových sběrnic - embedded systémy

DSOX3EMBD pro analýzu sběrnic I²C and SPI 

The I²C and SPI serial decode option for InfiniiVision 3000 X-Series displays responsive, time-aligned, on-screen decode of Inter-Integrated Circuit (I²C) and 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) serial communication busses. Because it is hardware-based, it provides the fastest throughput solution for triggering on and analyzing I²C and SPI serial busses found in a wide variety of embedded designs. You can easily isolate serial packets to find sources of errors due hardware or software related problems. This measurement application option works with all InfiniiVision 3000 X-Series 2 channel and 4 channel DSO and MSO models.

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DSOX3COMP pro analýzu sběrnic RS-232/UART

The RS-232/UART serial triggering and decode option for InfiniiVision 3000 X-Series oscilloscopes displays responsive, time-aligned, on-screen decode of RS-232/422/485 and other UART serial buses. It provides triggering capabilities on specified transmit or receive values, as well as on parity errors. Trigger on and acquire RS-232/422/485/UART signals using either scope or logic channels. Hardware-based decode means the scope stays responsive and fast when decode is turned on. Real-time counters continually count transmit and receive frames and errors. This measurement application option works with all InfiniiVision 3000 X-Series 2 channel and 4 channel DSO and MSO models.

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DSOX4USBFL pro analýzu USB "low" a "full" speed

Keysight's DSOX4USBFL measurement option offers integrated low- and full-speed USB 2.0 serial bus triggering and hardware-based decoding. This option will help you more efficiently debug and characterize your USB physical layer network by having the ability to trigger on and time-correlate your physical layer signals with serial protocol. And with Keysight's unique hardware-based decoding, you get the fastest waveform and decode update rates available, which enhances the scope's ability to detect errors quickly. The DSOX4USBFL low- and full-speed USB 2.0 trigger and decode option is compatible on all 2-channel and 4-channel models of the 4000 X-Series oscilloscopes (DSOs and MSOs).

Produktový list
Aplikační poznámky - Using Oscilloscope Segmented Memory for Serial Bus Applications
Video - Hi-speed USB Signal Quality Testing Using a Keysight InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscope

DSOX4USBH pro analýzu USB "high" speed

Keysight's DSOX4USBH measurement option offers integrated hi-speed USB 2.0 serial bus triggering and hardware-based decoding. This option will help you more efficiently debug and characterize your USB physical layer network by having the ability to trigger on and time-correlate your physical layer signals with serial protocol. And with Keysight's unique hardware-based decoding, you get the fastest waveform and decode update rates available, which enhances the scope's ability to detect errors quickly. The DSOX4USBH hi-speed USB 2.0 trigger and decode option is compatible only on 1 GHz and 1.5 GHz bandwidth models of the InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series DSOs and MSOs.

Produktový list
Aplikační poznámky - Characterizing Hi-speed USB 2.0 Serial Buses in Embedded Designs
Video - Using Segmented Memory



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