Analýza sériových sběrnic - automobilový průmysl

DSOXT3AUTO pro analýzu sběrnic CAN, CAN FD, LIN

The Automotive serial triggering and analysis (CAN, CAN FD, LIN) option for  InfiniiVision 3000T X-Series Oscilloscopes allows you to trigger on either standard or extended CAN/ CAN FD message IDs. It supports triggering on a data frame, and allows you to specify message IDs, data and data length for filtering messages of interest. Triggering on and decoding specific error conditions, including stuff errors, form errors, CRC errors, acknowledge errors, and error frames, are also supported. Error triggering can also be filtered by frame ID. This measurement application option works on all InfiniiVision 3000T X-Series 2-channel and 4-channel DSO and MSO models.

Produktový list
Aplikační poznámka - Debug Automotive Designs Faster with CAN-dbc Symbolic Trigger and Decode
Video - CAN Triggering and Decode Demo Video
Video - Characterizing CAN Bus Arbitration
Další poznámky a videa ZDE.
Koupit SW rozšíření v eshopu.

DSOXT3SENSOR pro analýzu sběrnice SENT

The SENT (Single Edge Nibble Transmission) is a point-to-point serial bus that interfaces sensors to ECUs and is used primarily in automotive applications. Keysight’s SENT option (DSOXT3SENSOR) for the InfiniiVision 3000T X-Series oscilloscope provides decoding of fast & slow channel serial data, and also offers extensive triggering selections, including the ability to trigger on various error conditions which can accelerate the engineer’s efficiency in debugging this bus. This measurement application option works on all InfiniiVision 3000T X-Series 2-channel and 4-channel DSO and MSO models.

Produktový list
Aplikační poznámka - Oscilloscope Measurement Tools to Help Debug Automotive Serial Buses Faster
Video - SENT decode and trigger 

DSOX3TCXPI pro analýzu sběrnice CXPI

CXPI (Clock Extension Peripheral Interface) is the next-generation automotive communication protocol intended to reduce the number and weight of wiring harnesses by making multiplexing possible even in advanced, multifunction HMI (human machine interface) automotive systems. In many cases, CXPI is an alternative serial bus used in place of many of today’s LIN serial bus applications for automotive body control. Keysight’s CXPI option (DSOXT3CXPI) for InfiniiVision 3000T X-Series oscilloscopes provides decoding of standard and long CXPI frames, and also offers extensive triggering selections, including the ability to trigger on various error conditions that can accelerate the engineer’s efficiency in debugging this bus. This measurement application option works on all InfiniiVision 3000T X-Series 2-channel and 4-channel DSO and MSO models.

Produktový list
Aplikační poznámka - Oscilloscope Measurement Tools to Help Debug Automotive Serial Buses Faster
Aplikační poznámka - Using Oscilloscope Segmented Memory for Serial Bus Applications
Video - FlexRay Mask Testing Demo Video



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